Surfers love variety just as much as they love their home break, both in the ocean and in the wave pool. We’re constantly checking Surfline to study the forecast, detailing everything from wind patterns to swell direction. Then, depending on that day’s outlook we decide on where to paddle out, because not all breaks are created equal. If the charts, are looking promising up the coast – we go. That’s part of the reason we often travel to remote corners of globe, in search of waves we can’t get at home. We’re constantly seeking perfection. But to a surfer, perfection comes in many shapes and sizes, as our judgement is usually based on the simple thought of “how fun would that wave be?”
While designing Endless Surf technology, we wanted to further innovate wave-making, and bring more of the variety that you see in the ocean into wave parks. Building upon the power, reliability, and efficiency of pneumatic technology, we saw another huge benefit we wanted to tap into – the ability to program each pressurized caisson along the back wall of the pool to customize waves section by section. What we came up with is Swell Studio, a key component of the Endless Surf Software Suite that is surely innovating the way in which humanmade waves are created and delivered.
If surfing had its own “Creative Cloud” platform, Swell Studio would be included. It gives Endless Surf pool operators the controls to customize waves by section based on a variety of different factors. Thanks to the precision of pneumatic tech, Swell Studio controls the wave-making caissons (from 24 to 60 depending on ES pool size) and can be programmed to release the energy in different ways to form waves. Think of each chamber like the keys on a piano. Operators can use the “keys” to play an almost endless variety of tunes – those tunes being waves made up of unique sections.
Operators can control wave at their surf park:
- Heights
- Speeds
- Angles
- Ride lengths – Swell Studio can double ride lengths at the click of a button on any wave type. We think every surfer, regardless of skill, should get the chance to ride a long wave
- Wave Intervals
As much as we enjoy creating unique waves that no one has ever seen in a pool before, we also understand surf park throughput. When it’s a Saturday afternoon in the summer and the pool is packed to capacity, the waves need to keep pumping to ensure that surfers are getting what they are paying for – high quality surf with a wave count that will leave them feeling “surfed-out.” Swell Studio comes equipped with several core wave types that are pre-programmed for all surfing skill levels. Operators can use these wave types for beginners, intermediates, and experts, and even spice them up by adding unique sections to them.
Common wave sections include:
- Easy-entry barrels
- Air Sections
- Floaters
- Turns style waves
- Cutbacks
- Slow-rolling longboard waves
- Slabs
- Special combo waves that can be pre-programmed with the venue’s input – bringing your own signature wave to market!
With Swell Studio, operators have options. Producing waves of world-class quality can be as simple as the push of a button, or can become an art form between the operator and Endless Surf technology.
As the surf park industry takes off with developments around the globe showing no signs of slowing, wave variety is a good thing. It allows venues to tap into their uniqueness and have a menu of waves that differentiates them from other wave pool. Plus, we know that surfer’s do like variety. Being able to surf many different types of waves takes our skills to the next level and allows us to surf better both in the ocean and in the pool – ensuring that our sessions will never become stale and surfers will keep coming back for more.
Want to learn more about the wave-making possibilities with Endless Surf? Read more
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